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The Top Dildo Double Ended Gurus Are Doing Three Things

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24-02-02 09:13

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Double Ender Drildos

If you're playing by yourself or with a partner using a double-ended dildo can provide you with a lot of pleasure. Make sure you note the end that is used for what orifice and stay clear of quick changes to avoid infection and irritation.

It isn't easy to use double-enders correctly, but with a little patience and communication you can get the perfect rhythm and position. Use a lot of lubricant to ensure you have the best experience.


Double ender dildos come in a variety of sizes, from small to extra-large. They are ideal for couples who wish to experience double ended silicone dildo penetration or anal play. You can also use them to stimulate your peritoneum prior to foreplay. To make it more enjoyable, select one that is vibrating.

Always use a dildo that has a condom at both ends when using it in conjunction. This will stop STDs and STIs from being transmitted to your partner. It is also important to clean the sex item after each use. You can achieve this by using a lubricant that is water-based.

When choosing a double-ended dildo, consider your partner's preferences as well as their level of comfort. Also, consider the size. A small dildo works best double dildo for anal penetration. A larger dildo will work better for vaginal sexual activity. A large dildo can also be used to peg.

The shape and texture of the double-ended dildo are equally important. Some are made from non-porous materials, making them easier to sterilize. This is a better option than porous sex toys such as PVC or jelly rubber.

Another thing to consider is the cost of a double-ended dildo. You should search for a dildo that is inexpensive and still offers high quality. It is also important to ensure that the dildo does not contain phthalates. This is a vital feature since phthalates have been proven to cause a wide range of health issues, including nausea, headaches, and cramps.


If you're looking to spice up your own play with something a little more sexual, a double-ended dildo might be for you. This kind of sex device is very popular with lesbian couples. It can be used to simultaneously get into the anal and vaginal areas. If you're new to the game you should practice using this type of toy.

You can also try double-ended dildos with a partner to discover new locations and sensations. You can, for instance try a scissoring posture where you sit with one another while sliding the dildo between you. This will allow you both to enjoy the benefits of anal permeability while allowing you to maintain eye contact.

Another way to utilize the double-ended dildo is by pegging. You'll need to place the dildo between your vagina and the anus. It's difficult to place the dildo at the right place however it will be worth it once you've got it. You might want to add lubricant to the toy based on your personal preference.

It's also essential to choose an unporous dildo. Porous toys may harbor bacteria and can lead to infections, so it's recommended to avoid them. Instead, choose a glass, silicone, or metal dildo. These toys are easy to clean, and less likely to have bacteria than a PVC or jelly toy.


Double-ender dildos can be found in various styles meant for use alone or with the help of a companion. Some have built-in vibrations, while others come with remote control options. In addition to different vibration patterns, some dildos feature various intensity levels for the most sexual experience.

Be sure that the material is suitable for your body prior to using a double-ender. It must be free of phthalates, PVC, vinyl, jelly rubber and other harmful substances that could harm your vaginal or anus. These materials can cause swelling, pain and even damage to the lining of your genitals.

Apply the lubricant at both ends of the dildo before inserting it into your vagina or the anal. The second end of the dildo can be used to massage your partner or stroke them. You can also use it to stimulate the clitoral region. For best results, always apply a lubricant based on water for this type of play.

When playing with your partner It is essential to communicate and have consent with your partner. It is essential to talk with your partner and let them know what you feel. This will help you establish an appropriate rhythm and a position that is comfortable for you both. You could also try a classic couple's posture, which is known as the face-toface position. This can be very intense and sensual.


Double ender dildos are among of the most exciting and sensual adult toys available on the market. They permit simultaneous vaginal and anal penetration, a sensation many couples find stimulating. They also come in a variety of shapes and textures. When selecting a double-ended daildo make sure to take your partner's preferences into consideration. They may prefer a more realistic feel or a shaft that is curved, for example. The material used to make the dildo affects the flexibility and texture of the shaft.

Some dildos are made of flexible plastic which allows them to bend into C-shapes when in use. Some dildos are constructed of glass which is a smooth and firm material that feels nice on the skin. Glass dildos can be heated and chilled for an additional feel. Some dildos even are made from body-safe, pure silicone which is a non-porous material which is easy to clean.

xSilicone-double-end-dildo-768x768.webp.pagespeed.ic.zMT86i8ldU.webpThe ideal double-ended dildo that is right for you will depend on your personal preferences and the kind of playing you enjoy. Start with an authentic model that appears and feels like a real penis if you're a newbie to dildos. This is a great choice for beginners as it's easy to use and stimulates your G-spot. If you want to experience a more intense sensation, try a sexy glass daddy with a curly shape. It is the perfect for P-spot and G-spot stimulation. Select a dildo that has a length that is safe for your vaginal and anal canals, and apply plenty of lubricant.xEasy-Toys-Double-Dong-25cm-Realistic-Double-Dildo-With-Suction-Cup-768x768.webp.pagespeed.ic.spZpygsml6.webp


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